• Safety & Security
  • Safety & Security

Safety & Security

CliCli's Commitment to Safety and Security

At CliCli, we are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment where people can create, discover and have fun. We work to achieve this through the implementation of a comprehensive approach to safety, combining technical tools and human support.

Let's go through the tools and processes we have in place to keep our community positive and respectful.

Community Guidelines

The Community Guidelines outline the expectations of acceptable behavior and content within CliCli. They ask people to treat others with kindness and help keep everyone safe by preventing any inappropriate or harmful content. They also serve as a framework for our moderators to intervene and take action when necessary. We may update these guidelines periodically as the platform evolves.

Proactive Moderation

We adopt a proactive approach by utilizing a combination of machine detection and manual moderation to identify and remove unwanted behavior and content before it poses a threat to our users. Our aim is to safeguard our users from any inappropriate or harmful content.


We encourage people to report any abusive or inappropriate content that goes against CliCli's Community Guidelines. When you submit a report about any rule violations, we will investigate and take appropriate actions. The enforcement varies from content removal, account termination, or proactive reporting to authorities.

We believe that safety and security are the foundation of a successful UGC gaming platform, and we are committed to making CliCli a place where users can play, create and share games without fear of harassment, bullying, or harmful content.

CliCli Safety Features

The CliCli community is built on the values of inclusivity and respect, and we deeply appreciate the passion and contributions of each member. With the aim of protecting our users, we have a variety of controls and safety features in place.

Privacy and Chat

Account owners have the ability to limit or disable who can see your activities and other information. Meanwhile, we only allow users who are friends with each other to send direct messages. Users must be friends by accepting a friend request to enable the Chat feature.



We provide the ability to report abuse from everywhere on the platform. To learn more about reporting violations to our moderation team, check out How to Report Violations.

We want CliCli to provide a fun and creative environment for users to make and play games, and we expect our users to enjoy a safe and enjoyable experience on our platform by understanding and utilizing appropriately these safety features.

How to Report Violations

We want CliCli to be a safe and fun place for everyone to play and create games, and we believe that a positive and respectful community relies on all users' efforts. If you come across anyone or anything that you find offensive or objectionable, we have tools to help you report the content to our Moderation Team.

Reporting a Comment/Review

  • Select the REVIEWs tab at the top or on the left side of the game's page to open up the Reviews page.



  • Once at the Reviews page, find the review to be reported.

  • Within the review itself, click on the "..." button in the upper-right corner of the review to find and select the Report button.


  • In the window that appears, select the violation type and provide clear details for your report.


  • If necessary, you can add some screenshots as evidence.

  • Once you have selected the violation type, entered detailed information in text box and added picture proof, click Submit to send the report to our Moderation Team.

Reporting a User

A user can be reported in different ways:

  • Navigate to the user's profile and click on the "..." button in the bottom-right corner of the page to find and select the Report button.


  • Place the mouse cursor over the user's avatar to select the Flag icon.


  • Once you have entered the Report page, the subsequent operations are exactly same as reporting a Review.

Why Have I Been Banned from CliCli?

We care about providing a safe and supportive environment for all users to create, play and share games, and we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to start a fantastic journey on CliCli without being harassed for any reason. To acheive this goal, we have introduced moderation features including permanent bans for the most severe violations. In this article, we'll explain when you're banned, what causes permanent bans, and how to prevent your account from being banned.

What Happens When I'm Banned?

Any rule of violations on the platform will be punished after detection by the system or reported by other users. Banned users are not allowed to create games and play on the platform.

What Causes Permanent Bans?

Permanent bans are reserved for the most severe violations of Community Guidelines or User Agreement.

Violations that may result in bans include:

  • Hate speech
  • Real life threats
  • Predatory behavior and child sexual exploitation
  • Cheating or exploits
  • General Commericial Spamming

How to Prevent Your CliCli Account from Getting Banned?

You should always read and follow our Community Guidelines and User Agreement to make sure your behavior or content does not violate any rules.

Meanwhile, you should also treat others with kindness and respect to avoid being reported. If you are unsure about a particular rule or how to interact with others, you can reach out to our Support Team for clarification or guidance.

If you have been banned and would like more information, please submit your feedback by filing out the feedback questionnaire. Our Support Team will review your feedback and get back yo you.

